With the rise of social media marketing and a series of ongoing changes in the way search engine algorithms work, it's no surprise that content marketing is all the rage with companies of all sizes. As businesses rush to get out more articles, blog posts, press releases, and social updates, however, many are missing a very important step: building trust and credibility.
In short, what they are forgetting is that content alone doesn't draw views or attention on its own – great content over time does.
When you post something that's interesting, timely, and easy to follow, people like what you have and respond to it. Better yet, they remember where it came from and look forward to reading or viewing your content again and again. That repetition builds up trust, and it makes you their first stop once they're ready to move forward or make a buying decision.
None of this happens overnight, however, and it can't take place if your content isn't noteworthy. That means you don't just have to commit to producing great articles, videos, and ideas, but to doing so over the long term. It typically takes 5 connections with a prospect before a sale is made with a product offering. With a service offering it takes even longer with 7 or more touch points to elicit a response.
Trying to take shortcuts might remove some of the trouble and expense in the short term, but it also makes it impossible for that sales-oriented chain reaction to ever take place. As you begin, though, remember not to miss this most important step, because your content has to stand out before it brings viewers back... and you might need lots of great content to turn those viewers into buyers.
Is your content marketing building trust and credibility over the long-term? Call Bull’s-Eye today at 404.352.3006 for a consultation or checkout our website: www.bullseyecreativecommunications.com