ICE Logo Redesign and Trade Show Booth Graphic

Bull's-Eye just completed a logo redesign and trade show booth graphic project for Himex. The company, based out of Scottsdale, Arizona develops usage-based insurance software for corporate fleet management programs.

Himex contracted with Bull’s-Eye to work on its ICE (Intelligent Claims Environment) product. ICE modernizes the property and casualty claim handling process by leveraging proprietary connected vehicle technology to compress the claim lifecycle, including automated crash detection and notification.

The current ICE logo was dated, child-like and gave a poor first-impression of this state-of-the-art product and its parent company. Bull’s-Eye redeveloped the logo and corresponding trade show graphic to be modern, clean, and professional while representing the advanced technology of ICE.



Another New Client! Welcome CAD/CAM Solutions!

Bull's-Eye welcomes another new client! CAD/CAM Solutions, is a computer aided design software company that helps improve machining methods and techniques. The company develops and markets leading-edge software for milling, turning and routing design. We look forward to working with them on their marketing creative service needs! Glad to have you onboard!

Another New Client! Welcome Data Center Resources!

Bull's-Eye welcomes another new client! Data Center Resources, based out of Atlanta, Georgia is a company that provides data center infrastructure solutions. The company offers extensive expertise in tailoring the best approach with the best products using leading manufacture products along with proprietary products. We look forward to working with them on they're marketing creative service needs! Glad to have you onboard!