Info-Graphic for ControlScan - “E-Commerce Merchants Hiding Something Ugly?”

Latest info-graphic for ControlScan’s “SiteWatch” protection monitoring services. Some e-commerce merchants are not what they appear to be, operating one or more unregistered-yet associated websites that channel payments through registered sites. These unregistered sites often sell illegal or problematic products or services. This info-graphic by Bull’s-Eye illustrates the colorful seemingly risk-free above-ground merchants while below is a darker underground of problematic websites funneling payments to the legitimate sites.

ControlScan strengthens merchant data transactions and security while simplifying Payment Card Industry compliance for small to mid-sized business by offering a suite of products and services.

Bull’s-Eye Creative Communications provides branding and marketing collateral design and development services to technology, industrial and manufacturing B2B companies.

Merchant-Hiding Info-Graphic
Merchant-Hiding Info-Graphic