Secrets to a Powerful Persuasive Presentation

Zzzzzzzx. we’ve all heard that sound while sitting in on an audiovisual presentation. Let’s face it; most presentations are rather dull. Most of the time its not the information that is dull it’s the way its presented. There are ways to keep your audience from snoozing during a presentation. Hire a Professional – Frequently administrative assistants are given the task to develop a presentation. A professional graphic designer is better skilled at developing a powerful presentation that engages your audience with appropriate design and visuals. Hire one.

Streamline Content – KISS — Keep It Simple Stupid. No one wants to sit through endless pie charts and sales figures. Cut the content to the bare bones. Handouts should contain any supplemental information. A persuasive presentation gives a brief overview of the topic

Never Use Clip art – Sure, Powerpoint comes with a thousand clip art images, but does that mean you should use any of them? Probably not. Part of a presentation is to gain the respect of your audience, not look unprofessional with amateur artwork or photos.

Turn a lackluster presentation into one that will get your audience wanting to learn more about your subject. Use these tips for maximum impact that will help make a powerful and persuasive presentation.