Does your company do direct mail marketing? What results have you received? Have you tried direct mail without success? Three simple but important steps can assure your next direct mail campaign achieves results. 1. Hire a graphic designer – Most direct mail campaigns fail because of an unfocused visual or written message. A professional graphic designer can assist you with developing a dynamic mail piece that engages your audience and leads them to action with your company.
2. Have a great mail list – Many companies sell mail lists. Few keep the lists up-to-date. Consult industry peers for a referral to a good one. Better yet, build one of your own over time to develop a targeted and lean prospect database.
3. Follow-up – The most vital step in a direct mail campaign is the follow up. Without a follow up mail piece or a phone call the marketing cycle is incomplete. Follow up to close the sale.
Direct mail is a time tested approach in the marketer’s tool kit. Using it wisely and frequently can lead to big results. Use these three steps for maximum impact.