CASE STUDY: eBryIT Website

The CompanyeBryIT, Inc. (pronounced e-bright) is an IT solutions, services, and support provider. They offer customized managed services, from hardware maintenance and life-cycle management to systems design and implementation; as well as infrastructure solutions that safeguard data and increase network availability. eBryIT is a local company headquartered in Kennesaw, GA.

The Challenge eBryIT was founded in 1990 as Benchmark Maintenance Corporation. As the company grew and evolved, the name was changed to BMC Solutions. In 2008, they were contacted by BMC Software out of California in regard to copyright issues on the company name. BMC Software agreed to pay for a complete renaming and rebranding of BMC Solutions if they agreed to give them sole ownership of the BMC name. In 2010, BMC Solutions became eBryIT.

As part of the rebranding effort, eBryIT decided to update/modify their existing website to better suit their new image and name. The original BMC website was designed in-house using FrontPage software. It was very basic and dated in content and appearance. There was no interactivity for the customer or the employees.



The Solution Bull’s-Eye created a new website for eBryIT that is modern, sleek and represents the image of a leading-edge IT company. The new site boasts tremendous interactivity. eBryIT employees are now able to log into the site to work on projects, update orders and interact with customers. Customers are now able to log into the site to get trained on various systems and download software updates. All pages on the site are designed to be easily updated/modified using Adobe CMS software Contribute. Bull’s-Eye performed extensive SEO work to increase exposure to the site and the company.





The Results The client was extremely pleased with the look, content and functionality of the new site, and attributes its success to creating “more work than we can handle.” During the six months following its launch, hits to the site increased by more than 1000%.

Change is in the Air for the New Year

The New Year brings the chance for reevaluation and improvement both personally and professionally. Now is the time also to take stock and realign your businesses marketing materials. Are they up to task? Fresh and energetic? Up to date? Do they portray a professional look and feel for your company? Currently, I am involved with an industrial client who is updating their marketing materials: everything from business cards to website and everything in between. Wise client. Their investment will pay off handsomely in increased business and added value for the company. This will help propel them to be the best of their industry.

Review and evaluate your marketing materials. Impressions are everything. Presenting a fresh, vital, current face through your sales materials will pay off handsomely in the New Year.

Marketing Pressures and Demands

Marketing managers are asked to do more than ever before. They have too much work to do with too little time to do it. Expectations are high for bottom-line results. The pressure is intense. There are many complementary support service providers eager to assist you on your next project. Don’t wait until you feel overwhelmed and get caught in a crunch. Solicit your support and contact network early for referrals for consultants and task partners.

Pressures and demands in marketing are inevitable. Just make sure you’re ready when that next big project drops into your lap. Sit back, relax and call on your support network to give you a hand.

One more clever way to make the masses brand zealots!

Trademarks are registred in our heads every day. Not so much in paper contracts, but in our heads. As a product of our visual culture, they become part of our natural environment. Most people today can identify more brands and logo's than birds or tree species.

Brand Memory is a playful excerize in brand recognition that encourages the players of the game to read pictures and to look at language.

It can be played by very young and very old people alike, but is also a great conversation tool for designers, visual intellectuals, brand managers and marketing gurus, type addicts and anti-globalisation activists.

Read more:



Professional Presentations Speak Volumes

Recently I attended a marketing seminar by a well-known Atlanta speaker. It was a great seminar except for one major drawback: all the speaker’s slides were bright yellow and barely readable. The speaker was knowledgeable about her subject matter, but her visual media presentation to support it was poorly executed. This reminded me of how important the presentation is to the final impression the audience walks away with. You may have great information, but an unprofessional depiction of it lessens its value and impact. Expert implementation of the presentation is as important as the material contained within it.

Make sure your next visual media presentation is professionally created and shows you in the best light possible. Your reputation or that next big account might be riding on it.

Repeat Messaging Gets Results in Marketing

Consistency pays off. We’ve all experienced this when it comes to dieting and exercise. Going to the gym one or two times isn’t going to do it. A long-term program is what achieves results. Same principle when it comes to marketing. “I mailed out the postcards and I didn’t get any calls!” I’ve heard this repeatedly from marketers using direct mail. What they fail to realize is they have only completed part of the process. A successful direct mailing involves several mailings within a complete campaign. Results based marketing is a multi-layer process involving consistency and repeat messaging.

Take the postcard mailing as an example. A postcard mailing is but one piece of a repeat messaging outreach. Ask yourself these questions before you drop those postcards into the box: Does the messaging relate to the other marketing underway? Is it part of an integrated campaign? Will the mailing be followed up with a second mailing and a phone call?

Repeat messaging makes sure you’re in the right place at the right time to make that sale. Drive home your marketing with repeat messaging.