Integrate for Maximum Marketing Impact

Are your marketing materials integrated? Does the advertising work with the website? Do the business cards work with the brochure? Consistency is key in marketing. Many companies’ initial marketing endeavors were not engaged at the same time thus, causing a hodgepodge result that sends mixed messages. Consistent messaging and branding is vital for maximum marketing impact. All pieces of the marketing mix should be integrated to work with each other.

Using a professional graphic designer and copywriter can help integrate your current marketing materials for maximum branding value. Integrate for a memorable impression to prospective clients.

Pull it All Together with a Capabilities Brochure

What are your company's capabilities? Are they spelled out in a single marketing piece? Every company needs a printed capabilities brochure to promote its product or service offerings to potential clients. Sure, you know what your company's benefits and features are, but prospects might be a little fuzzy on them. Give them all the information they need to engage your company. With a capabilities brochure your company's information is at your prospects’ fingertips and on the top of their minds when they are ready to buy.

A professionally designed capabilities brochure is just one more tool in your marketing arsenal. Use time tested print marketing vehicles to deliver maximum impact to your company's bottom line.

3 Proven Tips for a Powerful Trade Show Event

Going to a trade show? Need to prepare a booth or upgrade your current one? Thinking about a promotion during the show? There are three ways you can increase your chances of getting maximum results. 1. Get a better booth at a lower cost - Atlanta is the worst market for buying a trade show booth. Two trade show booth suppliers have a stranglehold on the local market. Buying a booth out of state can get you a better product for less. Ask us how.

2. Less is more with booth graphics - Trade show graphics grab viewers' attention and pull them into the booth. Save the detailed product or service information for printed marketing collateral.

3. Have a contest or giveaway - People love free stuff. Grab attention and traffic with a giveaway. Whether it's a promotional item or a raffle, promotions always work. Just make sure it's related to your product or service for maximum effectiveness.

Following a couple of proven marketing techniques can assure success at a trade show. Generate inquires and sales with a great booth and a dynamic promotion.

Disc-O-Bed Office Signage

Bull's-Eye created a dynamic logo which was incorporated into the lobby signage of the new Disc-O-Bed international headquarters. Disc-O-Bed is a 22-year-old, privately-owned international company that manufactures a compact, transportable and stackable cot/bed system. They are headquartered in Duluth, GA, with their main manufacturing plant in Johannesburg, South Africa. They also have offices in Germany, China, Canada and Brazil.

Is Your Company Getting the Attention it Deserves?

Have a new product introduction? Gained new and important clients? Added a new service to your business offerings? Press releases are one of the most effective ways to generate interest in your company. Sing your own praises! We've all heard the saying "Toot your own horn". In today's fast paced society no one is going to do it for you; get some exposure by sending out a press release. Media sources are always looking for fresh and topical news items to publish. Make yours relevant, concise and timely.

Press releases are about exposure. Media placements help your bottom line in the long run. Get your company some media buzz in the New Year.

The Business Card: Your Most Important Marketing Tool

Wow! I attend a lot of networking events and this is the reaction that I often get when I hand out one of my business cards. We have all heard the saying “First impressions are everything.” When it comes to marketing your business this expression is right on target. The business card is frequently the first point of contact that a prospect has with you and your business. With its small 2 x 3.5-inch area, the business card is your most important marketing tool. Use it to your best advantage.

Invest in your business card as you would any other key asset. There is simply no investment that provides a better return. Having a well designed, professional printed business card can show dramatic return to your business bottom line—and provide that all-important “wow” factor.

Bull's-Eye Business Card Front

Bull's-Eye Business Card Front

Disc-O-Bed Stationery Rebrand System

Bull's-Eye is pleased to present the final re-brand stationery system for Disc-O-Bed. Disc-O-Bed's new stationery system includes business card, letterhead, 2 sheet letterhead, mailing label, compliment slip and a pocket-folder. Disc-O-Bed is a South African company that develops sleep solutions for the needs of disaster relief, health emergencies, and troop deployment. Disc-O-Bed’s patented sleep system attracts relief organizations, the military, outdoor enthusiasts and in-home users alike who value a good night’s sleep on location, whenever space is at a premium.

Disc-O-Bed Stationary

Disc-O-Bed Stationary