Keeping It Together and Getting Results

Got a lot of marketing materials of interest to prospects? One of the best ways to present them to potential clients is with a pocket folder. They help organize informational materials and are a ready source of referral when the prospect is ready to buy. I've attended a lot of trade shows and the first things that attendees take are the trinkets, bags and pocket folders. I'm often amazed at how some exhibitors provide lots of marketing materials and nothing to carry them in and don't have them organized in any way. That's where a pocket folder comes in. It shows the creditability of your business, reflects upon your organizational skills and provides a convenient method of referral.

Sure, it's an added expense. But the payoff is worth it. I've got pocket folders I've kept for years. I pull them out from time to time to find information or to make a call to the business. Pocket folders. Your key to keeping it together marketing-wise.

Check out these Neenah Paper Pocket Folder samples to see how unique one can be: Neenah Paper: Pocket Folder Samples