Repeat Messaging Gets Results in Marketing

Consistency pays off. We’ve all experienced this when it comes to dieting and exercise. Going to the gym one or two times isn’t going to do it. A long-term program is what achieves results. Same principle when it comes to marketing. “I mailed out the postcards and I didn’t get any calls!” I’ve heard this repeatedly from marketers using direct mail. What they fail to realize is they have only completed part of the process. A successful direct mailing involves several mailings within a complete campaign. Results based marketing is a multi-layer process involving consistency and repeat messaging.

Take the postcard mailing as an example. A postcard mailing is but one piece of a repeat messaging outreach. Ask yourself these questions before you drop those postcards into the box: Does the messaging relate to the other marketing underway? Is it part of an integrated campaign? Will the mailing be followed up with a second mailing and a phone call?

Repeat messaging makes sure you’re in the right place at the right time to make that sale. Drive home your marketing with repeat messaging.