The government funds an art piece that comments on advertising. A provocative new sculpture has opened at the U.S.-Canada border crossing near Vancouver, BC. It’s a billboard advertising...well, nothing.So instead of your usual glimpse of cheeseburgers and red-faced car salesmen, you’ve got a snarl of stainless steel rods vaguely reminiscent of TV static, but surrounding only the clean air of Blaine, Washington.
This raises the question of outdoor advertising's affect on the visual pollution of our environment. Georgia is notoriously bad with its overuse of outdoor advertising. In fact, coming back from a recent car trip to Florida when a friend and I crossed the Florida/Georgia boarder he mentioned how many billboards suddenly popped up along the highway.
With the eco craze off and running its great to see someone making a statement about visual pollution. It's in our face everyday. Time to make a change here as well...